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Dear Zhang Yu,
i am glad to help you.and these are the things that i think you should remember.first,you should bring a small gift ,like some flowers or something they like.second,you should arrive om time ,remember not to arrive too early,it's also not polite .if you arrive too early,the host must be reparing for the meal.then,don't forget to praise the taste of the food during having the meal next,remember not to stay too long.Say "thank you "when you leave,then they will think that you are a polite and cultured person.
Wish you a good time!
Li Hua


What are you going to do tomorrow?
What are you planning to do tomorrow?
What will you do tomorrow?


1) —Where (were) they last Sunday?
—They (were) at home.
2) — (Was) Peter at the cinema yesterday afternoon?
—Yes,he (was).
3) The farmers (wasn't) on the farms the day before yesterday.
4) Lily (does) eye exercises every day.
5) She (watched) TV last Saturday.
6) Does your sister enjoy living in Beijing?(living)
7) August is the eighth month of the year.(eighth)
8) You (were) thirteen years old last year.
9) (Were) you late for school yesterday morning?
10) We (learned) some English songs last week.
11) (Were) you in Hong Kong last summer?
12) There (was) a dolphin show five days ago.
13) I (was) ill yesterday.
14) Lisa really enjoyed (visiting) Peking Man’s home.
15) Our country gets stronger and stronger (stronger).
16) You can see no (more) dinosaurs today.
17) Can you say it (slowly)?
18) Peking Man’s head was like a (monkey's).
19) Peking Man (made) clothes from animal furs.
20)Did you (water) the plants yesterday?
21) Last week they (had) a computer class.They (learned) about computers.
22) Yesterday Tom (got) up very late.He (ran) to the school.
23) My uncle (came) to see me last summer.He (brought) me an English-Chinese dictionary.
24) Li Yan (was) ill last Friday.His mother (took) her to the hospital.They (went) there by taxi.
25) I (spent) last Spring Festival with my grandparents.They (bought) me many presents.They (made) me very happy.
26) you (went) to see the new tower last Sunday?
27) I want (to make) my house more beautiful.
28) You can (go) straight along this street.
29) There (is) some orange juice in the bottle.
30) There (are) a lot of trees in the park.
31) She (will visit) the science museum next week.
32) Don’t (do) your homework now.It’s time for dinner.
33) I (saw) him at the shopping center yesterday.

Miss Li will go to

选D 李小姐要出国进修.
the other:有两个物体其中的一个,一般用于one...the other
others:=other 可数名词复数,有三个及其以上的物体,除了一个其余的一些,用于some...others


Ah,such boring can a life be,
When it goes without any goal or direction.
I shiver as I try to foresee
The future deprived of dream and imagination
I am more afraid of deception
Than of my grief or your departure
No bird can soar without
Nor can a fish breathe without water
Loneliness takes in when you fall into confusion
A boring life means nothing more than its label of description
最后两句我没有太理解你的意思,尤其是最后一句.我理解为“当你迷失自我的时候寂寞占据了你的(心),无聊的人生·#@〉〉〉……··”“its label of description”纯粹是为了押韵.

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